Sample for Children of the Earth
sample for Weed of the Earth
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Can an artificial intelligence not just think, but also feel? Do androids have a soul?
In a not-so-distant future, Earth is slowly being reborn in the wake of an ecological catastrophe, but that rebirth is not happening fast enough. With her faithful android companion at her side, school teacher Etta must embark upon a dangerous mission to the stars to save everyone, human and android alike.
Before they can begin their monumental quest to the stars, they must face a warzone of intrigue, prejudice, and their own family. In the end, who will prove to be more human: man or machine?
When the convoy takes off, the crews of the spacecraft flotilla learn that they are in fact being sent beyond the boundaries of the solar system, to a planet discovered relatively recently, and equipped with its own little sun. They have to spend almost two years traveling instead of the month previously planned.
Initially, people are doing well, but as time goes on, frustration and unbelief in the mission’s success increases. Captain Kirk Willner must fight not only objective difficulties, but unrest among five convoy ship’s crews separated from each other, as well as suddenly emerging saboteurs who want to prevent the ship’s arrival at their destination. Trapped in cramped spaces, people are helped by androids. AIs are not emotional, are resistant to extreme external conditions and, what is very important, are able to make decisions on their own.
After twenty-two months of travel five terrestrial ships arrived on the planet Patris, orbiting the micro-star Jewel. They carried over two hundred and fifty families of genetically selected colonists, nearly a thousand human beings asleep in hibernation capsules.
The crew included Estrella Solis, a historian who had served as a teacher until now, and her android, Raul. It was he who, with the help of other androids, managed to save all five ships. When the artificial gravity systems failed, due to the interaction within the cosmic entity known as the Shoemaker Disk, only androids were able to withstand the constant overload. They were guided by the doctor of the command ship, Celina Xiao. She was the only member of the crew to wear an overload suit at the time of the accident. Thanks to her instructions, the androids could take care of the unconscious people and guide the ships through the Disc. Doctor Xiao paid it off with her life.
The crew of the expedition, composed of people and technologically advanced androids, immediately began preparing the terrain, so that the procedure of awakening colonists could be started without risk. The action was very cautious, as a small vehicle was found during the recon flight with a dead member of one of the previous expeditions, and recorded snippets of his statements raised doubts as to whether Patris was really so safe for humans as believed in the headquarters on Earth.
At the same time, the scientific department started to work on classifying local species of fauna and flora and determining the degree of their usefulness for humans. The settlers’ joy at a successful trip was spoiled by only one thing: their contact with their home planet was suddenly interrupted and it was impossible to re-establish it…
“Kwiat z ojczystej planety” to opowieść, tocząca się prawie dwadziescia lat po wydarzeniach z “Dzieci planety Ziemia”. Bohaterką jest Aura Maria Solis, bratanica Estrelli Solis. Wskutek dramatycznego splotu wypadków trafia ona do kolonii na Patris i tam poznaje Gemmę, córkę Estrelli. Oraz, ma się rozumieć, Raula. Aura Maria ma pewien problem – jej IQ jest bardzo niskie. Z tego powodu porzuciła ją matka, a nadzór społeczny probowal odebrać ojcu celem wychowania na robotnicę. Nie zwracano przy tym uwagi na jej uzdolnienia artystyczne, gdyż w tym świecie nie są one istotne jako wartość sama w sobie. Ojciec dziewczyny przekupił urzędniķów, by móc opiekować się córką. Jednak mogł to robić tylko do chwili ukończenia przez nią 21 lat. Komisja weryfikacyjna uznała Aurę Marię za nierokującą nadziei i postanowiono poddać ją eutanazji Johnny Solis zdołał umieścić dziewczynę podstępem w transporcie kolonistów i tak trafiła na Patris.
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